Chick embryos in Shell-Less Culture


9 Years
Aug 12, 2010
As part of a school experiment in conjunction with my 4H group I am performing several shell less embryo cultures.This method allows for the continuous observation of living chick embryos from day 3 to day 18 of incubation. It will also allow people to see the differentiation of organ systems, extra embryonic structures and pre hatching behavior.

I am also doing bone staining to show calcification of bones in various stages, quantitative growth measurements and the effect of various chemicals on embryo development.

Does anyone have any suggestions for me?
I think that I have already looked at those. I also think I know why his embryos died.
Thank you though..I will have a closer look.
I am using a different method devoloped back in 1974. It has been successful in many universities.

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