chick food and grit


9 Years
Feb 25, 2010
Leesburg, Ohio
hi! i read somewhere, to buy baby parrot food and mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with chick crumbles for baby chicks.....i guess cuz the parrot meal has all these nutrients, i went to petsmart today and bought some "baby bird" says it's for all baby birds. then i also bought this "grit for small birds" cuz i think (maybe) my chicks should have some grit cuz i want to feed them a few treats here and there.....but the grit i bought has added calcium and i don't know if that's good for the chicks? i don't even know if chicks need grit....i've heard they don't....but i've also heard that if you wanna give them bugs, or veggies, they should have the grit. what's ya'lls take on all this?
I don't know about using the "baby bird mash", I always just feed chick starter. But I do use the parakeet grit, have used it for all of my chicks and never had a problem. I don't think there is enough calcium in it to hurt, and they don't eat much of it anyway.
ok, thanks!

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