Chick has coccidiosis? Will the rest get it too?


May 4, 2022
My chicken coop🐓
They had corid in there water yesterday and I'll put it today aswell. The chick with cocci is now isolated and is going nuts. Meaning yelling its head off. Its eating drinking and eating but is quite sleepy. How long will it take him to recover? His poops are normal so I'm hoping for a quick recovery!
They will probably all have it-you won't always notice symptoms like bloody poop (sometimes there is no blood in the poop) but if they've all been on the same soil, they've all been exposed and if one has it they all need to be treated. No sense isolating, just dose them all
They will probably all have it-you won't always notice symptoms like bloody poop (sometimes there is no blood in the poop) but if they've all been on the same soil, they've all been exposed and if one has it they all need to be treated. No sense isolating, just dose them all
Since they're all active does it seem just like a light case? About how long will it take for them to recover? Also how much do I put in there water? I have the usual tractor supply water feeder. Is a spoonful too much?
The dosing is usually 1.5 tsp per gallon if you're using powder. You give it for one week then decrease the dose to 1 tsp for another week. Your package should have directions though. And yes, not all chickens will even show symptoms. But little ones or chickens with other issues can die of it.
:oops: Oops, sorry! You think they would include other animals, considering the diversity of animals that can get coccidiosis.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. There are very very few products even labeled for use in poultry. Most things are used off label, so there's no poultry dosing on packaging.

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