Chick is being very quiet...?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 14, 2010
New England
I know, this isn't exactly a major emergency... 5 new chicks (arrived home this morning), so approx 2 days old. From breeder, shipped here. When they were picked up, this one seemed wilted, just not as energetic as the others. I've encouraged her to have some water a couple of times, her breathing is the same as the others, she isn't off color or anything. She's just acting extremely tired, laying in one spot, struggling briefly and then giving up if she's picked up, making no effort to move around... All limbs seem to be working fine- she can open her wings and kick her legs, and she can stand, her beak works and she cheeps a little if she's handled. Any thoughts, or just wait and see?
You may try mixing a little bit of sugar in their water. I've had a few chicks that have gotten droopy before and that seemed to perk them up.

Hope it starts feeling better.
Now I'm noticing that she is having trouble standing all the way up, as though her thighs are not holding her, and she doesn't seem to open her eyes all the way. Mostly she's very wobbly. However, she is UP and cheeping loudly, which is more than before.

I'm probably over thinking the whole thing. Losing a chick isn't the end of the world, I just don't want the rest to become sick... they came from the same breeder, but they were mostly a mixed bag of pullets. All the others are hopping and bopping around, hungry and happy and healthy looking. I have a packet of Sav-A-Chick electrolyte and vitamin supplement, I hadn't offered that since they are so brand new. Should I try that or just a bit of sugar?
if you have the save a chick stuff by all means give her some, and also you might want to put here in something separate from the others till she gets a bit stronger, you know a small box where she can be in the brooder with the heat but so the others can't tromp all over her or pick on her.. hope she recovers..

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