Chick lonely?

What's wrong with her?

  • A. Truly lonely?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Or is it something psychological?

    Votes: 2 100.0%

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In Too Deep...
7 Years
Mar 13, 2017
Genesee County, NY
Hi everyone! So 7 weeks ago we got 6 Leghorns and 2 Black Aussies, but the other day I noticed one Leghorn cheeping like its lonely, but it was surrounded by all the other chicks! And she keeps on doing it. Any ideas? Thank you!

I had one like that and it turned out to be blind.

Does it respond when you wave or make a lot of noise, Might not be able to hear the others?

Also, I have one that was never content with other chicks... people or ducks, lol.
Is it hungry? Thirsty? Cold? If it's not sick and the other chicks are there then she's probably fine and will cheep her little heart out, give up, and be quiet. That's how mine always did anyway... XD
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That's extremely unlikely. I've raised too many chicks to count. She sounds sick...
OK! Your Royal Friedness :p but she acts/looks fine, except the cheeping. Would horse electrolytes work? Or does it have to be poultry? She doesn't really stick around the light, kinda just lays in the corner alone. Crop is full. Thanks for your help KFG! Please pray for my little Princess Laya!
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