chick making clicking noise when breathing now 2 chicks

Oh and thanks for the info for the state vet and such this may sound silly but if they had coccidiosis or some other disease that could be spread to humans is it safe to have the dead birds in my fridge obviously bagged up annd whatnot
Oh and thanks for the info for the state vet and such this may sound silly but if they had coccidiosis or some other disease that could be spread to humans is it safe to have the dead birds in my fridge obviously bagged up annd whatnot
I doubt that they died from anything that you can get, but to be safe, double bag them and place them on a bottom shelf and wash your hands after handling them.

The bantams haven't been treated at all I treated the one bantam that was acting"off" this morning with a dropper she went down quick with this. The LF have been treated in their water for about three days.
Sorry for your loss @okiemamachick
Healthy chicks will run around, eat and sleep. If you see any standing with their eye closed, that's a sign that something could be wrong.


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