Chick peeps translation?


6 Years
Feb 16, 2013
Columbia, Virginia
Do chicks have a language? I mean, do their different peeps and sounds mean different things? I'm sure they what I'm asking, I guess, is if anyone knows or can point me to a website about translating a chick's peeps and sounds? My chicks have so many different peeps and noises they make, I'm trying to figure out what each of them means. For instance, I KNOW when they are playing the grab and chase game, even if I can't see the peeps, more like the volume and frequency of the peeps. I also know when one specific chick is distressed least, that's my understanding. When I take Athena out for some baby chick mommy human time, there is one chick who cheeps REALLY loud, and the cheep is drawn out with a few seconds in between each cheep. As soon as I return Athena to the brooder, the chick making the noise stops.
Then there's another sound they make...I can only say it's kinda like cooing I guess? It sounds like a purr from a cat, only with the cheep-like tone to it. Have no idea what they make that sound for.

Anyway, if anyone knows how I can "translate" the peeps chirps and noises, I'd be very thankful!
Chicken vocalisations are probably too complex to translate but I'll offer some anecdotal evidence that it is a type of language. When I brought my new chicks home, I was trying to encourage them to drink so I dipped my finger in the waterer and touched it to the beak of one of the chicks nearby. The chick made a peep and immediately the other 5 chicks scattered throughout the brooder ran over to that chick and went to the waterer to drink. Several hours later I introduced a chick to the feeder and the same thing happened. I'm positive that the one chick was communicating to the others about the location of food and water.
If they peep really loudly and insistently, they probably are too hot or cold, hungry, thirsty, or want treats. A quieter, energetic peeping means they're excited and happy.
Mine tweet almost like songbirds sometimes...just a little tweedle eedle eep. I love it.

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