So I was reading posts about people picking out that they received the wrong breed of chick. And I realized I have a small problem. I don't know how to tell the difference between the chicks I'm getting. I know silkies are the only ones who have five toes. And am assuming that my RIR will have some red to them maybe?
I was hoping y'all could help me know what to expect. I'm getting Blue Bantam Silkies, RIRs, Barred Rocks, Ameraucanas, and Light Brahmas. So if anyone has any pictures of these guys as chicks I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks bunches,
I was hoping y'all could help me know what to expect. I'm getting Blue Bantam Silkies, RIRs, Barred Rocks, Ameraucanas, and Light Brahmas. So if anyone has any pictures of these guys as chicks I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks bunches,