chick spinning in circles??


In the Brooder
May 17, 2020
hello again with another question BYC!
i have a newly hatched chick that is struggling with walking.
we have shelf liner as the floor grip - so i don't think it is splayed legs although that is a possibility- i guess?

the chick is very strong and active, but whenever it tries to move it just spins around.

this chick also has a large abdomen - and i think it is possible that the abdomen is what is preventing the chicks legs from sitting under him? but i am not sure

for now i have banded the chicks legs together with vet tape - but my gut is making me doubt this....
It sounds like this is not a strong chick, so my overall impression is that it has some defect that is causing problems that you will find hard to resolve. Depending upon your chicken keeping philosophy, you may end up culling this chick as it grows and fails to thrive.

But if you want to wait and see....

It is possible that the spinning is a sign of Vitamin E and Selenium deficiency, which it would have been born with if the mother's diet was low or the egg simply low. Treatment is supplementing with Vitamin E and selenium. You can supply that through Chick Saver Vitamins and Electrolytes.

As to the swollen abdomen, that would likely be "Squishy Chick Syndrome" (aka omphalitis) which is caused by bacterial overgrowth in the abdomen following the egg yolk being drawn up into it just before hatch. If the opening in the gut didn't close adequately or quickly enough, or bacteria was in the incubator, you will get bacterial overgrowth in the dark, warm, moist cavity. This must be treated immediately with antibiotics for the chick to survive. It is the number one reason for "failure to thrive" chicks.

So, it is possible you have Selenium/Vit E deficiency and Omphalitis, but this also may simply be a chick that did not develop correctly and will lead a very challenged life if it lives beyond chickhood. You should be prepared for that as well.

My thoughts
The chick is fine!
His abdomen started to go down after he pooped (when i posted, he hadnt pooped even though itd been almost 14 hrs after his hatch) and he is now walking ok, a little clumsy but ok!

Thank you for your input!

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