chick starter okay for adult chickens?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
Most of my chickens are either babies or less than 5 months old. I do have 2 bantam hens, 1 game hen, and one bantam rooster that are adults. My 3 hens have babies, and 2 of my 'pullets' are setting on their first clutches. I have been keeping them all on starter, since I don't eat the eggs anyway, and it doesn't seem to be hurting them. They are all free-range, so it would be very hard to give the older ones layer, and not the babies. Some people I have spoken with seem surprised by this. Is it okay to feed them all starter? I am still buying chickens, so I figured the medicated feed would be good for them.
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Help please!! some people i have spoken with say yes, some say no, it is not medicated (just found out today), but don't want to hurt my babies!!
the adults need layer feed for the strength for the egg shells and i think there is more protien for the adults as well...but in any rate heres a bump

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