Chick Starter?


10 Years
Dec 27, 2011
Southern PA
This may be sheer laziness... but my Tractor Supply store is a bit far away. I just got home from my first chicken supply trip and was preparing to dump the bag of Chick Starter into its container and noticed that the back of the bag says that I should have gotten something different.

I purchased DuMor Chick Starter. The back of the bag says that it is best for Quail, Turkeys, and Pheasants. And that I should have gotten the Starter/Grower formula for the chickens. Can I use this bag first then move on to the right bag? I would imagine that it is just a bit higher in protein. Thoughts?
whats the protein content, if its crumbles yea, you should be able to use it up no problem. I use a gamebird starter for my quails, sometimes i run out and don't wanna drive the hour to get the GBS, so i just buy chick starter from the local feed store...they really don't care.
pssh, yea you can use that up, probably better feed then what the real chick starter is. Most GBS, which it seems thats what that REALLY is, is 24%+ where as most chick starters are 16-20%, this is an average of course.

they will be fine.
I just did the exact same thing!! I was searching threads trying to find out if I could use the silly Dumor starter I bought even though I just realized it says its not for chickens. That bag is deceiving! I ground it up more and mixed it with some corn meal and wheat germ. I'm glad to hear that it won't be a problem, because, as you said, tractor supply is far away :)

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