Chick still sick/Chicken anatomy? Clot? or ?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 24, 2010
My lil' white crested black polish hen (1 yr old) is still ill. She isolated, had white diarrhea, her vent area was bulging somewhat and she appeared to be trying to lay an egg and listless.
I thought she might be egg bound and have given her about 5 long warm baths/soaks. I've gloved/lubed and don't feel anything remotely like an egg. She has been inside in a nice warm area.
There is, however, a small dime size lump just inside the vent that is clearly distressing to her to touch. Today she had a few small blood clots around the lump. She also passed a small "chunk" of white/grey "stuff." (I don't have any idea what to call it- when i pressed on it, the chunk broke apart.)

She has started to drink some fluids and took a few bites of softened mash today and is less lethargic, but otherwise is the same. Still bulging, still has a lump, still no egg, still appears uncomfortable.

Incidently I felt a lump in her chest and wondered if she might have an impacted crop- so I have given her olive oil and massaged it and have done that 3 times. It is somewhat squishy and since she hasn't really eaten in 2 days I would expect (?) that it would be empty?

Any thoughts? Crop? Egg? Tumor? Blood clot?
We let the girl walk around the yard today and it seemed to perk her up slightly. Overall, she seems somewhat better. She doesn't seem to have diarrhea anymore. She isn't eating for the most part and very little fluids.
However, just inside her vent there remains a dime/nickel sized hard, immovable lump. It bleeds some gelationous like blood when pressed (like oozing). I think this is likely causing her problems.
Has anyone seen this before? Is a tumor? Clot?

We aren't sure if we should cull her or not?

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