Chick toes PICS!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
I hatched out some eggs this weekend. The parents are white rock (roo) barred rock (hen).

Two little guys came out with these toes. The other looks just the same. There were 4 chicks that hatched, two are yellow, two are black with white splotches on thier heads. The yellow chicks' feet are normal.


Why, you think?
As long as they can get around OK... that's actually pretty cool! The fact that there are 2 of them like that indicates that it's genetically inherited, not just a random accident.
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HA! I found the culprit. It seems that big daddy White Rock is not the daddy after all. We have another rooster, a bantam, that I though didn't stand a chance with the big guy's girls. But I went and looked and sure enough the little guy has 5 toes, too. I have no idea what breed he is..some mixed something I think..

Mystery solved.
Maybe he is hiding an itty bitty chicken step stool to help him reach the girls

My Houdans have 5 toes, takes a little getting used to

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