Chick treats?


13 Years
Jul 26, 2007
Mount Shasta, CA
Our chicks are a week old. We are giving them grasshoppers when time allows a trip to the neighbor's pasture to collect some. What other treats can we give them at this age?
I would not give any 'treats' at this age. Feed them their regular chick starter and don't worry about it. If you happen to let them "out in the yard" for a period of time, they will glean their own treats.

Make sure they have plenty of chick starter and water. You will be very happy as they thrive.

Good luck.

PS. hug them often, handle them often, and talk to them often!
Agree, I don't think treats are a good idea this young. Your chicks need time to acclimate to their feed and chick starter provides for optimal growth during their first few weeks to several months.

I personally don't give my week old chicks any treats. I feel it steers them away from eating what they really need nutritionally.

BUT...a mama hen would surely lead them to whatever they have access to outside in a normal environment, so I don't think it will hurt them. I would keep in mind though that along with grasshoppers, mama hen would offer them grit and many other nutritious snacks that she knows her babies need to balance their diet.

We do have chick feed and grit in their tub.

We are getting conflicting information about using the powdered Terramycin in their water. Our neghbor encouraged us to use it in addition to the chick feed (which apparently is medicated?), but one of Sunny's books says only use it if they get sick. Opinions please?
I would never use an antibiotic on birds with no physical symptoms of illness and without recommendation from an avian vet. What it does is make birds resistant to antibiotics and they won't work when you really need them to. There are excellent vitamin supplements that I think would be a better option, however healthy chicks do not need anything in their water..just fresh clean water. Remember, your medicated chick feed contains amprolium, which is a coccidiostat - not antibiotic. It is good to start them on that to build resistance to coccidiosis, an often fatal disease in young chicks.

I wouldn't treat anything that isn't there. I think over medication is a big problem and really in the end, depending on how the medication works. Breeds for stronger resistant bugs that can come back and bite when meds no longer work.

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