Chick w/"wonky" feathers


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Central Indiana
I have a GL bantam cochin who has wonky feathers. The larger feathers on her wings (she's about 2 weeks old) are starting to stick out in weird directions. They stick up, out and everywhere. I have tried to smooth them down and point them in the right direction. But either the feathers go right back in their weird fashion or fall out. She has lost several feathers this way and I'm not sure what's going on? Should I be concerned? I'll post a pic when I return home from work.

I received these chicks from a breeder and when I received them, several had cocci & they all had lice (they have all been treated for both conditions) Could these issues have something to do with it?

Thanks for the info guys
Uh yeah, checked the site and that seems to be the case...WTH?

This dude was supposed to sell me 5 GL bantam cochins, he had the mother and father seperated so I could see them, he seemed like a good breeder.

2wks later: I've fought cocci, pasty butt (still), lice, one turned out to be a partridge something (not a cochin no fuzzy feet) and now a frizzle! So much for my GL bantam cochin breeding dreams (for me) and showing dreams (for ds)

At least they're still all cute

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