Chick with slipped Achilles' tendon


In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2017
Hello to all! So recently I hatched some of my own chicks from my flock and one of my ameracauna babies was born with two slipped Achilles' tendons... despite the culling horror stories I was told, that was not an option. I went to making her a chick chair and sports wrapping her legs in place and she has been in the chair for 3 days (every day I take her out and hold her and try to feed and water her even though she has food and water attached to her chair...just give her some exercise). I went to rewrap her legs this morning and they were all healed up and could bend without issue and straighten just the same. The only problem was- the chick has never stood on her own two feet before... has anyone ever had to rebuild chick leg strength?? I don't want to delay her healing process but I wasn't sure whether to make splints for her or how to keep her balanced or what.
Please help asap! She wants to move and be like the other chicks but she just can't stand up and balance herself :(
You may want to place her in a chick chair with her feet touching the ground or floor. A small cup with a washcloth around her may also work. Ideally, food and water should be close enough to reach. Take her out of the chair often to let her rest. Here are a couple of examples:

I put her in a cup with a washcloth in it because all she wants to do is go go go(!!!) and if she's not standing she screams and screams for me to help her stand... with her baby bandages on she can hold her weight but has abolutely no balance and without the bandages has neither. Is there anything I could do so she can have support while she walks freely??
I am currently going deaf because she is screaming in the cup jumping up and down won't stop until she passes out and starts all over again... she only stops peeping when I help her stand outside the cup
So glad the tendons healed, i’ve Got a 2week old chick with a slipped tendon too. 3 days in a chicken chair now. Fingers crossed. Was nice to see it can work. Gives me heart!

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