Chick with swollen abdomen about a two weeks old (PLEASE HELP) PIC


Red Roof Hens
10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Hamilton Ga
I hatched out some blue marans eggs that I bought will out of four two of them had bad legs hopped when walked, they both died. The other two about two weeks old and today i noticed that there abdomen have swelled up, look like a chick does when first hatch. But this chick where fine and now has swollen abdomen. Can anyone help me save my chicks.

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Sorry I have no idea how to help you, can you post a picture and answer the sticky on this index. It will really help those more knowledgeable to help you.
Do they have pasty butts? Are they (for lack of better term) backed up? If they do have pasty butts soak the little ones in warm water ( just their hind ends) and gently peel away the poop. I had to do this to my own and when they were able to go it was a mess. I just changed the water, washed them really well and dried them. I did put a little vaseline around their irritated areas. Put back under heat lamp and hope for the best.
OH my God....I don't know. The only other thing I could think of is an infected yolk sack. Does it feel firm or squishy?

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