chick with swollen, red leg joint


May 26, 2017
Hi, I have a 2 week old chick that has injured it's right leg and it appears swollen and red in the joint. I'm afraid she may have been dropped by one of my kids, but I'm not sure. The chick doesn't want to stand on the leg and is holding it up when standing. She's still eating and drinking and getting around, but not as well as when we first got her. I'm new to chicken keeping, so I'm not exactly sure what this is and what to do for her. Help!
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It's hard to tell if it's from injury, something like a slipped tendon or possibly a disease like Mycoplasma S.

If she is getting along o.k. in the brooder with the other chicks, then just watch to make sure she is eating/drinking well. If she is getting knocked down, bowled over and is struggling to get to food/water then separate her or place a barrier in the brooder to keep her safe.

You can try soaking the joint in an epsom salts bath to see if that helps reduce some of the swelling. Provide her with some poultry vitamins that contains Vitamin B2(Riboflavin). Watch for any other symptoms that would indicate disease - open sores/oozing of the hock joint and sometimes sneezing, coughing, mucous from the nostrils and bubbly eyes.

Here's more info on leg issues:
She was getting knocked down by the bigger chicks, so we've moved her to another brooder with just one friend that's her size. I will try the Epsom salt soak tonight. Thanks for all the suggestions!
She was getting knocked down by the bigger chicks, so we've moved her to another brooder with just one friend that's her size. I will try the Epsom salt soak tonight. Thanks for all the suggestions!
Did the Epson Salt Soak work? I have a newborn baby chick that has the same issue.

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