Chick with tail down


Jan 18, 2017
I have a chick that hatched last week and its moving around and popping normal and all but always has its tail down is this normal?
Can you post some photos or a video of the chick?
What breed is it?

Watch to see if it is eating and drinking.
Look for any signs of lethargy, distress peeping, etc.

Normally a chick will have it's tail up, but depending on the breed it could possibly be held lower than other chicks.

Let us know how it's doing.
Well its a mix between a red ranger and black austrolorp and its very active but its strange
Whatever happened to your chick? I have a black australorp who is between 8-10 weeks that will stand straight up & walks with its tail down. I thought the way it stands my pullet might be a cockerel but looking at pictures I'm not so sure. She's done this forever.

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