
Jun 2, 2020
so my 1 year old silke roosters got into some hazelnut chocloate spread I had on some toast. I completely forgot it had choclate in it. He only ate a little but even so I gave him some epsom salt water and electrolytes. Is this enough or can I do more for him. The vet isn't open for another 8 hours or so, so I can't do that. He seems fine is their any symptoms I should look out for.
so my 1 year old silke roosters got into some hazelnut chocloate spread I had on some toast. I completely forgot it had choclate in it. He only ate a little but even so I gave him some epsom salt water and electrolytes. Is this enough or can I do more for him. The vet isn't open for another 8 hours or so, so I can't do that. He seems fine is their any symptoms I should look out for.
On the spread it said cocoa was the ingredient I don't know if this helps
It takes a lot of chocolate to hurt animals, actually. There's no need to panic. :]
he'll be fine, he might get diarrhea from the epsom salts though.
Diahreah is fine along as he's ok. He's an indoor chicken lol. Will the epsom salt hurt him in anyway. Theirs no other ingredients other than magnesium and sulfur

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