Chicken ate wormer for dogs/cats - niclosamide and levamisole - vomit or leave her?

Sylver Queen

9 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Hi. Yikes! I was so distracted by worming my cats that I left some wormer in ground beef of all things where one of my four-year-old hens could get it. She ate approximately the dose for an eleven-pound cat, and she's at least six pounds herself, but I've read that vomiting a chicken is risky and am wondering if any of you knowledgeable folks know whether or not these drugs are toxic to chickens and what I should do.

Thank you!
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I've actually never yet dewormed my chickens, but am planning to pick up Safeguard goat wormer on Tuesday. This hen has never been dewormed. I read just now on BYC that levamisole is fine for chickens, but not sure yet about niclosamide.... Thanks.
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Not much you can do really, just observe her for anything out of the ordinary. Niclosamide is used to treat tapeworms. Levamisole takes care of roundworms, cecal worms and capillary worms in poultry. A possible side effect could be diarrhea.
Thanks so much. I will watch her. She's a pretty tough gal that one, so I'm hoping she'll just process it fine. Does this mean that I shouldn't worm her on Tuesday with the rest of the ladies? Thanks again.
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Good grief, they are worse than toddlers. String, earrings, plastic, & now cat wormer! What next!?
Ha, ha! My goodness, yes. I think my worst was wrestling one of my hens for a dried blob of silicon caulking, and losing. ; )
My little wormer-snatcher is behaving completely normally so far. : )

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