Chicken Coop Condo


16 Years
Dec 28, 2007
Hi all,

Being a city kid, with no exposure to chickens, I have been banging my head on chicken coop designs for about 6 months now. And finally my coop is done! This forum has been invaluable in my initial attempt to house and raise chickens, and I just want to give back a little.

Here in Seattle, we can only have 3 chickens for lot sizes of up to 5,000 sq ft, + one more for every 1,000 sq ft over that. So I could have 4 chickens! My coop was built for about $250 - mostly pavers, sparrow wire and screws. All wood material was taken from job sites (with permission of course).

The size of the coop is 4x4 feet and the run size is 4x12 feet. I was very concerned about the racoons in the area as a neighbor of mine lost his chickens to some young, daring daylight racoons. So I decided on paving stones with chicken wire underneath. This coop is a fortress. When the chickens come outside, the pavers will be covered with 5" of wood shavings.





Inside, I decided on a piece of vinyl, 2 roosts and a removable drop board for easy cleaning. The nest box is accessable from the outside.

Meet Bertha (RIR), Alice (Buff Orpington), Florence (Ameraucana) and Marie (Ameraucana)
(This brooder box was made from an old interior door.)

Thank you all for your help.
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WOW! You did a super nice job! Not only does it appear to be extremely functional, it's also VERY pretty! I'm impressed!!!

I started out with a closet rod for roosting in my coop, but ended up removing it and using a 2x4 instead. With a 2x4, they can squat down & cover their little feetsies with their feathers when it gets cold. Mine actually didn't use the closet rod much, but immediately began using the 2x4 when I replaced it. Just a sidebar of sorts!

I bet you just can't WAIT to get your girls in there! Please share pics when you do! Congrats!
Beautifully done, you city boy, you!

Very nicely thought out... and it adds to backyard ambience.

Well, that was sexist of me!! I should have written 'city kid', shouldn't I have??

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This was all done on the fly - because I had to use the materials and space that was available. So - no plans. It is simply framing with 3/4 inch plywood shell and some batons.

The roosting perch is a good comment. Do the chickens prefer roosting on the 2 side or the 4 side of the 2x4?

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