Chicken coop DIY


In the Brooder
Nov 25, 2015
Hey hey- I am a freshman at this backyard chicken life and I would like to build my own chicken coop - can anyone please send me ideas on how they built their coop?? Thanks!!
Hi Rich,

There are many, many coop ideas under the Coops tab:

If you have specific questions about building, you can ask here:

I hope that helps you out. Thanks for joining us, it's nice to have you here!
Rich, visit the coops section for ideas & examples of many different coop sizes, styles, - some have step by step photos with details. Rule of thumb is to allow 4-5 sq.feet per bird inside the coop , excluding nest boxes and roosts. In the outdoor run they should have 10 sq.feet per bird. You may also want to visit the Learning Center which is the best place to start a poultry education. Welcome to Backyard Chickens. If you still have questions please come back and ask - that is what we are here for.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. X2 on drumstick diva's advice, and definitely check out the coop links that NorthFlChick has left with you. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Thank you for such a quick response, so I'm living in New Jersey and it's beginning to get cold - I plan on getting 6-8 hens (not chicks), should I wait until the spring or is it ok to start them in the winter ???
Thanks !!
Hi my husband has recently finished our coop made from pallets, so besides a £12 box of screws it didn't cost anything but time.this was his first real diy project.I'm very proud of it,and our girls seem happy enough to be giving us eggs
. Good luck with yours
Thank you for such a quick response, so I'm living in New Jersey and it's beginning to get cold - I plan on getting 6-8 hens (not chicks), should I wait until the spring or is it ok to start them in the winter ???
Thanks !!
once you sort out the coop part, start looking for hens. They typically aren't that easy to find in the winter but sometimes people get tired of fighting bad weather and dump their hens. You won't have much of a selection of breeds but you can fill in next spring. It's also nice to have a multi aged flock to help flatten out the production peaks and valleys.
Hi my husband has recently finished our coop made from pallets, so besides a £12 box of screws it didn't cost anything but time.this was his first real diy project.I'm very proud of it,and our girls seem happy enough to be giving us eggs
. Good luck with yours

Welcome to BYC to you too!

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