Chicken Feet

2 roosters, have not noticed any type of feather loss or signs of bullying. I'm always trying to observe the girls and look over them frequently.
We wont put her back in with the flock until we see improvement, we do not want her to get hurt. What would be the worse scenario?

Well, not sure about worse scenario? I suppose that would be she declines to the point you need to put her down.

Depending on what ails her, even if it's Marek's, she may "recover" after a period of time with supportive care.
Well, not sure about worse scenario? I suppose that would be she declines to the point you need to put her down.

Depending on what ails her, even if it's Marek's, she may "recover" after a period of time with supportive care.
Ok, so if it IS Mareks, it's very likely the rest of the flock already has it too? Is it too late to vaccinate them now? We have Guineas and Ducks that house together.
This is so sad.
Ok, so if it IS Mareks, it's very likely the rest of the flock already has it too? Is it too late to vaccinate them now? We have Guineas and Ducks that house together.
This is so sad.
Yes, if it's Marek's, then all would be exposed. There so many things it could be, the only way to know for sure if it's Marek's would be to have a necropsy performed by your state lab.

The vaccine would need to be administered at hatch and chicks would need to be kept where there's no exposure for 2weeks. The vaccine only helps stop the formation of tumors, it's does not prevent the bird from being infected.

Marek's mainly affects chickens, but with some information I read it mentions that pheasants, quail, game fowl and turkeys can be infected.

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