Chicken flufffed up

henney penny

10 Years
Nov 21, 2009
Northern Maine

I have a frizzled bantam cochin that is just a year old,the last couple weeks she has been fluffed up and kinda just standing around,she eats and drinks.First I thought she was broody,she was in the broody box with the others for a couple days,but is out now and has been for a few days.She has no head feathers because of the rooster,then I though she might be molting,she is ragged looking but I blamed it on the rooster.I have dusted her for mites and lice.She has always had ACV in her water,good feed and a few scrapes.I put her in a cage today with a heat lamp and she has been staying under that.Will watch for eggs,bloody stool and anything else I can think off. Any suggestions as to what might be wrong, or anything else I should watch for? Oh I did mix up a homemade electrolyte mixture for her to drink.1 cup water,2 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp baking soda, ,little salt. Any thoughts would be helpful.This was taken last year of her
Listen to her breathing. If it sounds congested I would give her an antibiotic. If she sounds clear I would just seperate her and watch her closely for the next few days.

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