Chicken Gift for a joke!!


8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
USAG Humphreys
I am new to the BYC!! I was given 4 chickens as a funny prank...3 roosters 1 hen...In the month since the number grew to 11 as we lost 1 to natural causes..3 to my lab...and 2 roosters to a I live in South Korea and in a house with a small they are free range and I don't want my neighbors getting upset when they cockadoodledoo!! So I am relying on this site for everything chicken relateed. My daughters and husband built a small coop which they stay in when I am gone and at night..they are flying so it is time to build a bigger one! Any input for ideas..we are limited to supplies as South Korea isn't exactly equipped with a farm supply store around every corner! Thanks for any help anyone can give.
I'm glad you are caring for the chickens. A joke or not, they are still animals that deserve respect and kindness. As for coop ideas, we fixed up a shed on our property and then made a run out of wooden boards and wire. We burried the wire in the coop and the run. We used tree branches and boards for our roosts and sand for our base. The shed has a window that leads right into the run. It has a slide down screen and glass, so it's handy for controlling temperature and ventelation. I haven't built a coop from scratch, but I'm sure one of the more informed members of BYC will point you in the right direction!

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