Chicken half frozen, now wont stand.


Jan 11, 2016
my chicken left her coop last night when it was 0 degrees outside. i managed to get her inside and defrosted but now she wont stand or walk. Her feet can move and nothing is broken any advice to get her up and running?
If you can post pictures that might help. Full body, comb/face and feet.
Are her feet frostbitten, what about her comb?
How did you warm her up? Is she still inside?
Is she eating and drinking. Is she alert and perky and just won't move or is she lethargic and sickly looking. Any other symptoms/signs you can think of.
How did she get out of the coop? Did something startle/frighten her? When you found her how did she act?
Welcome to BYC. How is your chicken doing today? Are they new and just getting used to coming into the coop at night? During cold weather, it is very important to do a head count and make sure everyone is in for the evening when closing up your coop. Sometimes bullying occurs and they will go back out to get away from another. I hope that she was okay after the episode. Bringing them inside a warm house to warm up is the best treatment. During January here in the US, there are so many cases of frostbite, so making sure the coop is winterized is important too.
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Oh that is great to hear. Hopefully they will stay warm tonight. I have a heat lamp on in my coop for tonight--it will be 13 F here overnight after snowing today.

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