Chicken honks like a goose

Does she have “snot “ coming out of her nose? How long has she been doing this?
She is 11 weeks and she has been making that sound for a few weeks now. No snot and seems perfectly healthy. She does it when she’s trying to communicate something. She’s the one that “herds” the others into the coop each evening and she makes that sound then too.
She is 11 weeks and she has been making that sound for a few weeks now. No snot and seems perfectly healthy. She does it when she’s trying to communicate something. She’s the one that “herds” the others into the coop each evening and she makes that sound then too.
Maybe she thinks she’s a goose 😂 I have a turkey that thinks she’s a chicken
OMG 😲 I was just looking this up!! My chickens are 10 weeks and they honk and honk. Sometimes its when they are upset or it is feeding time. They honk back and forth too. I only had one pullet honk before, this new flock is honk crazy all different breeds too. They seem healthy and happy.

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