Chicken is sick - lethargic, white runny poop, won't eat, isolated, stands in one spot


7 Years
Oct 21, 2012
THis has been going on for about 2 days. She's a Heritage Plymouth Barred Rock thats about 6 months old. Gave her a warm bath and tried to see if it was a trapped egg but didnt feel anything.

Think it may be crop bound. Gave her olive oil and warm water and she threw up brown and yellow liquid but still doesnt feel any better. Any advice?
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The symptoms you are describing are EXACTLY what my hen Andie went through in June. Can she stand at all, or does she lay down? Is her comb pale or purplish? She is probably constipated, as gross as that may sound. And (this is disgusting, but it may save your girl's life), feel around inside her vent. If there is hard poop, she is constipated. You will need to act quickly or else her organs will shut down.

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