Chicken laying two eggs in one day?


11 Years
Jul 28, 2008
Colorado Springs
I have two EE's, a hamburg, and a california white. My EE's are the only ones laying right now, and I consistantly get two a day out of the two of them. Well my husband just went outside to close up the coop for the night, and he found another green egg sitting there. A big one too! Is it possible that one of my EE's layed a second egg for the day, or do maybe one of my other two lay a green egg also? I was sparatically getting white eggs here and there this winter from one of them, so I am just a bit confused here? Any ideas?
There's been a number of folks on here who have told us stories of hens that have laid two in one day... but it is usually early in the morning and late in the evening and then they don't lay an egg the next day.

Average for many real good layers is one every 25 hours.
I am pretty sure my leghorns did this on many occasions during their first several months of laying.

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