Chicken Litterbox - AKA my new roost


11 Years
May 19, 2008
Cedar Creek, TX
Our chickens had outgrown their makeshift roost and needed something bigger, but since we were in the process of moving I did not want to build something we couldn't take with us. Also, I wanted something that would catch all the poo and be easy to clean. Here is what we came up with:


The top roost is about 4 feet from the ground, and each level has a heavy duty tray to catch the poo. The trays are 2ft X 3ft and we got them at Lowes in the concrete mixing section for about $13.00 The rest was made from scrap wood I already had in the garage leftover from other projects.


Each tray slides out for easy cleaning, and I put in a couple of inches of stall-dri so that any poo that falls in there gets dried up and doesn't smell. Plus, when it's time to clean, I just use a litter box sifting scoop and scoop out all of the poo, leaving behind just the clean stall-dri (this also keeps the poo from sticking to the inside of the tray).


As you can see, my chickens LOVE their new roost, and I plan on making more of these when we get moved into the new house and build new coops for them.
That would work SO well in my coop for my 9 girls. What's really great is that I'll probably have plenty of left over 2" x 4" and 1" x 3" boards from building their run this week. All I'll need is the pans. Thanks for sharing your success and posting the pics!
Good eye! I was originally going to use 2 X 4s, but I needed to maximize roost space because I had so many chickens living in this coop for the time being. Using the 1 X 2s I was able to put in more cross pieces.

The set-up is only temporary though, as we'll be moving into our new place at the end of October which has a 12 x 20ft building onsite that I am turning into a 3 part chicken coop. I'm dividing it up into 3 pens with 2 for standard layers and the third for the bantams.

The roost bar sections on this are removable, so I can swap them out with 2 x 4's or just use this one for the bantams and build new ones for the standard hens.
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