Chicken loosing feathers on breast


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
Hi - I'm new to your forum - and just posted a question about my girl - but I think I did it the wrong way - so re-posting it here. I'm sorry if I've messed up!

I have inherited some Buff Orphington chickens - and one of my girls is feeling punky. She is staying in the coop - when she is normally the sassy one - first out in the morning looking for food - very social girl. She has been staying in the nest box all day - and when I just picked her up - I see that she has lost a lot of feathers on her breast. I am reasonably sure that she has not been attacked. Last week - we had one of her mates die. She also stayed in the coop - and then the next morning she was dead. So I'm very worried - any one have advice on what I should do? (Ethel did lay an egg this morning - so I don't think she is egg bound)

Thanks for any advice -

It is quite possible she is broody. A broody hen will spend a lt of time in the coop or nestbox. They will also pull the feathers from their breast- better to keep eggs warm when there are no feathers in the way.
I'm really new too - but how do I know? She lost some feathers on her back last fall - which never grew back yet - and I assumed that that was molting. Anybody that could give me more info - thanks. I'll go back and look up molting for more info.

Have you noticed a difference in her poo? Broody poo is legendary. They usually only come off the nest once a day to grab a quick bite to eat, take a drink of water, and let loose with a huge stinking mass of toxic poo. You could also try setting a few eggs in front of her while she's on the nest. If she coos at them and gently rolls them under her you have a broody girl.

If you have a rooster the missing feathers on the back are likely from over breeding.
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Ok - I'll try the egg thing. No rooster - and it's just Ethel and Lucy - and they are the best of buddies. Lucy is in the house now squaking at Ethel to get up and go roaming!

Thanks - Karen

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