Hi There! I am looking for an insight on why my Easter Egger chicken is losing weight. She is about a year old and suddenly I noticed she was losing some weight as well as stopped laying. When I pick her up it reminds me of a "dried out rotisserie chicken". I thought maybe because she was molting because I noticed that she was getting all soft feathers as well as losing feather and new growth coming in. This is my first time having chickens, so I am not that knowledgeable, but I have done a lot of research. I also thought that maybe she has an impacted crop, but I felt her crop last night and there was nothing there. I felt her crop again this morning, same as last night. I did notice a hard lump the size of a golf ball the right side of her neck if she is facing away from me. So I just am looking for someone to hopefully give me some promising information that this is something that treatable if it's something other than molting. She has always been a loner....the other chickens don't tend to let her around....I worry also that she is getting picked on. Any advice would be great!