chicken math is gonna kill me(or DH will)


13 Years
Jul 10, 2010
Stonington, illinois
Ok yesterday at work they marked down chicks. There were 2 left. One Cinnamon Queen and one Red Sex Link. I just rehomed 7 cockrels, so the brain starts saying you lost 7 so 2 more wont hurt and they are so lonley in there and they are getting older getting into the half feathered ulgy stage no ones gonna buy them take them home take them home. So now I have besides my 12 layers and one roo, 10 babies in the grow out coop EE's white rocks,cochins, silkies,and a welsummer, and 11 inside, austra whites, brown leghorns,polish,barred rock mixes, a cinnamon queen and a red sex link. DH said everytime you rehome a roo you dont have to bring home more Really? Why not!!!
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Also I figure I have a cochin bantam cockrel that I was holding for a lady that she is not going to get(anyone want a beautiful 4 month old mille fleur cochin bantam) and 2 drakes, so why not get 2 more. I will still be 10 animals short so 2 isnt bad. Could have been worse I could have brought home turkeys.
I know. When I bought home 4 golden sebrights he said what are you doing? you have a broody hatching babies as we speak. I said yeah but these are bantams it takes 4 just to make 1 full size hen and you know 2 will be boys so I will only end up with 1/2 a chicken.
He said I dont think I like your logic.
OK, so maybe I have inverse-chicken math... I got 16 chicks, hoping to get 8 pullets (at most, from what I read my chance of getting more roos than 50% was greater, so I was playing it safe) and one pullet I was raising for my BIL. So at this point I figured with 16 chicks I may only end up with 4-5 hens (if I was lucky). At almost 4 weeks, it looks like I have 13 hens and 3 roos.
My coop is supposed to house about 8 standard size chickens. I figured I could push it to 10 if I had to. Though 4 of the 13 (suspected) pullets are bantams.

The hum-dinger of this story is... I took pictures of the sign at TSC from whence all the chicks came because it listed possible breeds (they were mixes of up to 4 different breeds). Now, I'm a new chicken mama, but had done my research, learned the lingo, got the brooder ready, etc. prior to buying the chicks. Just yesterday, as I was looking again at my pictures on my cell phone, did I finally realize that two of the four bins from whence the chicks came actually said "Pullets" on the description.

Boy, do I feel like a dunce! And here I was all
at all the pullets I *magically* ended up with!!
Thats ok I took the last SLW out of the pullet bin. Yep you guessed it. Roo! Thats my luck. We started chickens last spring. I had 8 RIR but wanted some BR's. So on craigslist a lady was selling chicks. I go to the farm and pick out 6 I told her I wanted pullets and did she know how to sex them. She said yes and handed me 6 little black and white babies. Being new I had no idea how to sex barred rocks. I ended up with 5 cockrels out of the 6 and 4 wasnt even barred rocks they were black sex links. She saw me coming. But no the other hand this year I picked 5 white rocks out of a straight run bin and ended up with all girls. That will never happen again

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