chicken people are the best!!


11 Years
Jun 28, 2008
WA State
Our (my children & I) first hatch was a total BUST! After getting shipped eggs, which I think had a rough trip, incubator problems (so we drove them 30 mins to a broody), then bringing them home to hatch, we got a big FAT ZERO hatch, 3 died in the shell, the other 6 were rotten...yuck! I contacted the lady with the broody (who we found on craiglist) to see how much she charged for 2 dozen hatching eggs. Since her eggs are mixed breeds she said we could have them for free. I drove out to pick them up today, she went to 2 of her friends and got eggs from them so we would have a good mix, and there were 27 total! I must say, chicken people are THE BEST!! I offered again to pay and she simply said no, that someday she might need "broody services" from us.

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