Chicken Safe Poison Ivy Killer?


8 Years
Aug 17, 2016
I am crazy crazy crazy allergic to poison ivy, and just found some in the yard. I suited up (taped up sleeves and everything!) to pull it, along with the regular English ivy that had overrun the bed I found it in. I want to lay down something to kill off the roots as best I can, but would prefer something chicken-safe so I don't have to bar them from that area of the yard long term (I wouldn't want them anywhere near something I'd sprayed with Specratcide for several weeks). Any suggestions?

The poison ivy HAS to go, so if I need to just block them from it, I can, but I figured I'd ask if anyone has a tried and true brand of organic, chicken-friendly Poison Ivy Murderer.
u could prob look at ur local like store or seed place and they would have some thing for that im sure and you could try like vinnigar in a spray bottel but i don't know for sure how well that would work
Poison ivy but is almost impossible to kill. The root system allows for it to travel underground great distances. Even the toughest herbicides fail to kill the entire root. I tried manual extraction and spraying and a year later, you can't tell I did any of it. So frustrating.
Any broadleaf weed killer will take out poison ivy, particularly anything containing 2,4-D. However keep in mind that other than grass or grassy weeds, everything else is susceptible to damage fro this herbicide. It is soil active. The first year you will get suppression only. Followed by a pre-emergent in the spring while everything is dormant and again with 2,4-D during active growing season you will get decent control but you will need to worry it for several years before it doesn't show up. Seeds that are buried can remain viable for years. When the area is cultivated, weeds pulled, a squirrel digs up an acorn these dormant seeds when exposed to sunlight germinate and start growing.

Also remember the irritant can transfer from feathers to your skin so it keeping the chickens out would be a good idea if you are that sensitive. Pulling up dead stuff will get you a good case of the itch and burning it and inhaling the smoke can be fatal.
first off, the best method to remove poisonous plants that contain Urushiol (the stuff that makes us break out) is to get goats. Goats use the Urushiol as a natural wormer and so will eat all the leaves as they make a comeback, this pressure will end up with the roots expending all their energy making new leaves and when the energy is gone, they die. (Don't rub the goats with your bare hands or brush bare skin on the goats after they made a meal of the plants).

For most of us, this isn't really an option. Roundup (glyphosate), when painted on the leaves only, will systemically kill the plant from top to root tip, it does take the nasty stuff a few weeks to complete the job, but it will be gone. Now the cavet, roundup contains surfacants that even though the label states are inert are carcinogens as proven by several scientific studies in several different countries. Painting this stuff on the leaves (undersides are the most effective since that is where the stoma (breathing holes in the leaves) are located will reduce the harmful effects as much as is possible. You will want to keep livestock away from the treated plants for a few weeks though for safety.

There are other products that work but they all depend on being sprayed on (aerosols are bad news, the wind can take them anywhere). Do not ever burn Urushiol containing plants (poison ivy, oak and sumac), that will put the irritant into the air and once in the lungs, blisters will form and can be fatal in extreme cases. It can also get into the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose, etc. If you are pulling it, you can use special cleaners to remove the oils from both clothing and your skin. Tecnu is the brand that works every time for me and I am hyper allergic.
Pouring boiling water over any plant will kill the above-ground parts. It is 100% ecological and you don't have to make contact with the ivy. If you repeat if somewhat regularily eventually the roots will die off.

Edit: Oh, but if you want something to kill the roots -now- it's probably not an option, it doesn't heat the soil sufficiently.

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