Chicken spitting water after drinking?


Mar 9, 2021
My one chicken named Chicken just spit some water up after drinking, should I be worried? This is the only time she's ever done this

Online it says Gapeworm or sour crop but for sour crop I don't think it's the case and I've only seen her do it once

Besides this she's perfectly healthy and acting normal

It's pretty hot out today, could that be the cause??
My chickens sometimes do this too. About once a day. They all surge around it and try to eat it as fast as possible. (gross) I have no idea what it is but none of my chickens are affected by it.
Ok ty! My girl spit up only a tiny bit of concrete onto our concrete, none of my over girls seemed to care about it and she's the only one who's ever done it; I'm guessing it's because of the heat

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