Chicken teeth on Discovery


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
There's this program on Discovery right now (Dinosaurs: Return to Life?) where a researcher is injectin a virus into a chicken egg and essentially turning off a supression gene. The result is a chick with teeth.

didn't say that they allowed the chicks to hatch. Can you imagine a chicken with teeth?!?! They're dangerous enough with just beaks!!
oh my word. my meaties would eat my legs and hands. i almost lost a finger today just because i held the mighty food scoop...i cannot imagine the damage.

how in the world would they chew??? their anatomy doesn't allow for it. also, then what would happen to their gizzard/crop?

weird science!
It's really interesting! Next the researcher regressed the leg scales to get them to sprout as feathers instead.

The premis of the show is that unlocking DNA is the secret to recreating dinosaurs.
two of mine were biting me the other day when i was trying to change their water. And i was thankful they didn't have teeth!

seriously though, why do we want to recreate dinosaurs? Just because we can? That's not a good enough reason...
I saw that last night as well and I thought of all you other BYCers out there
Cool stuff!!!!
You ever see some of those game breeds with the upright stance and meaty legs? Just give them teeth, and you've got a veloceraptor with feathers!

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