Chicken weight loss


5 Years
Dec 5, 2014
I have 10 hens and a rooster. One of my road island reds has lost weight and sits under the heat lamp when it's not very cold. Any ideas why?
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

What does "not very cold" mean? Is she eating and drinking? You should give her wet feed. They always love this and it's fattening. Mealworms, oatmeal and scratch are all fattening treats too. Make sure these only take up 10% of their daily diet.

Keep watching her. Is she laying eggs? Lethargic hens sometimes are egg bound. You may want to post here for further info on how to help her

Good luck and welcome to our flock!
Has she been checked for mites, worms etc. They are both quite debilitating if untreated. You may want to post in full detail at "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

What does "not very cold" mean? Is she eating and drinking? You should give her wet feed. They always love this and it's fattening. Mealworms, oatmeal and scratch are all fattening treats too. Make sure these only take up 10% of their daily diet.

Keep watching her. Is she laying eggs? Lethargic hens sometimes are egg bound. You may want to post here for further info on how to help her

Good luck and welcome to our flock!

This is some good advice!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Lots of reasons they can lose weight and be cold. Worms, Coccidiosis, injuries, bacterial infections for virus's, mites or lice, old age, heart disease, internal laying, organ failure, etc...

I suggest you post this in our emergency section and have any and all information on symptoms about her you can for them to help diagnose her. Mountain Peeps has left you with the link.

I sure hope you can get her back to good health soon.
I agree with the advice you have received, do post in emergencies. Exam her to see if there is anything else you can find.
We bought them in April 2014 and usually she is the only one directly under the heat lamp. Could the rooster be stressing her out?

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