Chicken who lays very infrequently


Aug 24, 2019
I have a white leghorn chicken in my flock of 5 (barred rock, Rhode island red, Easter Egger, Americana). They were all born on March 2 & 3 of last year so are not quite a year old. My white leghorn was the first to lay at about 14 or 15 weeks. She laid an egg a day and pretty much never took a day off. In September which was extremely hot and muggy, she stopped laying. Now still months later she only lays about once every 2 to 3 weeks and someone is eating the egg. She is the only one that lays white eggs. I have read a lot of information and really have not found any solution. I have put golf balls back in the nesting boxes because someone said that might get them to stop.

Has anyone had this type of issue before and/ or does anyone have any ideas. She appears to be very healthy although she is a small (full grown) chicken, but her eggs were of about medium size. Thank you in advance for any help fixing this!
I have a white leghorn chicken in my flock of 5 (barred rock, Rhode island red, Easter Egger, Americana). They were all born on March 2 & 3 of last year so are not quite a year old. My white leghorn was the first to lay at about 14 or 15 weeks. She laid an egg a day and pretty much never took a day off. In September which was extremely hot and muggy, she stopped laying. Now still months later she only lays about once every 2 to 3 weeks and someone is eating the egg. She is the only one that lays white eggs. I have read a lot of information and really have not found any solution. I have put golf balls back in the nesting boxes because someone said that might get them to stop.

Has anyone had this type of issue before and/ or does anyone have any ideas. She appears to be very healthy although she is a small (full grown) chicken, but her eggs were of about medium size. Thank you in advance for any help fixing this!
Is only her egg being eaten?
When she's lays an egg, is it a normal hard shelled egg?

If someone is eating the egg - maybe she's laying more frequently than you think?

It would be a good idea to figure out who is eating the eggs. That can be a bad habit, I've not had any experience with egg eating, but understand it can be hard to stop once it's started.
Try to gather the eggs as soon as you can.

As for her laying once in a while, it's winter still if you are in the US, so she may be taking a break - she may resume to laying more frequently as the weather warms and days get longer. Each chicken is an individual, so you will have to wait and see how she does.

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