Chicken wire OK if chickens locked in coop at night?


13 Years
May 22, 2010
Indiana, PA
I know chicken wire is useless, but is it OK to use if the chickens are kept in the coop at night? We Definitely have predators here, so I was never planning on leaving them outside at night anyways. The only reason we're having a run is b/c we can't let them free-range where we are, and b/c we want to keep hawks out (wire will be over top). The only diurnal possible predator that I know we have are groundhogs, but they're mostly herbaceous and have my garden to eat. I don't think they'd go after chickens.
we just have chicken wire around our run.
we did run hardwire cloth on the bottom and buried etc.
we lock up our chickens at night, so far its been over a year, no problems,
just please dont forget to lock yours up!!!! and count heads

good luck
Sure, as long as all predators always sleep during the day! What about stray dogs? Coons? (They may be more active at night, but they also roam during the day)...Odds are, you'll be fine - as long as you don't mind playing the odds.
I think you're good if they're locked up good at night. Many free range their chickens all day so chicken wire during the day is sufficient I think if you know there's always a chance....but that's true for anyone.
I would at least use something like a welded wire, with 2x4 openings on the bottom, to keep out dogs. It's a stronger wire. Dogs have gone through chicken wire and there are plenty of stories and a few pictures on the forum, if you want to do a search. Layer it with the chicken wire, so the chickens can't poke their heads out and get decapitated. That's happened, too. Or raccoons or hawks have reached through, to kill.

People rarely see the predators in their areas, when there is no prey available. After the food moves in, they eventually show up.
As someone else said, some folks free range all day. Chicken wire is certainly not the best choice for a run, but if it's what you have to use, and you're aware of the risks involved with it not being very predator proof (dogs will be your primary day time predator), then so be it. Closing them in every night will help. So if you had to go away for a weekend or on a vacation, you would have someone to come over to close them in at night and let them out in the morning? Just something to think about... Many use chicken wire just fine. But pretty much every day on this site, you read of at least one person who lost chickens to predators who were able to get through chicken wire. So it is a gamble. I hope you're one of the lucky ones!
I sure wouldn't do it.

One of the commonest, and by far the most destructive and likely-to-kill-whole-flock, daytime predators is the Loose Dog. CHickenwire will not keep a dog out.

Just sayin',

I have a brooder that I keep in the barn and i have had a boar coon pulling the chicks through the chicken wire one piece at a time. I have had them pull hens through 1 x 2 wire a piece at a time. fabric is the only bullet proof wire but a connabear and a rifle are good remedies for preds.
we use welded wire also, a coon or fox or dog, or coyote can get through chicken wire, they will come out during the day if they find a good food source.
I used recycled chicken wire OVER my welded wire but only to keep my chicken's from pocking their head's out of the pen. Remember cat's, dog's, and many more predators can and will break into a pen that has nothing more than chicken wire to keep them out. Free range chickens at least can run away and hopefully hide, while a penned flock is trapped. If you trap them trap them in a secure pen. You will save yourself worry and know they are safe! I built my entire coop/pen with donated materials from CL and spent 50 bucks on the entire thing!

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