Chicken with a death wish


Rhymes with 'henn'
11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
South Puget Sound
Last week my BR went on a hunger strike when I switched their feed.

I was certain she was going to die. She didn't.

On Sunday DBF heard her making a huge amount of noise and discovered that she had somehow gotten herself over (under? through?) the fence into the neighbor's backyard and was being chased by their wolf hybrid. The one that has killed birds, possums, cats, squirrels... anything that it can catch.

DBF was certain she was going to die. She didn't.

Now I'm convinced that she's got a death wish. :thun
My 'Doe' is always crashing into things to get to me. Her eyesight seems okay, she simply doesn't understand that life is precious. She has a healed scab on her crown and one on the side of her neck. The others seem to leave her alone, so far. Of course she had to be renamed '

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