Chickens are eating our berries!


7 Years
May 28, 2017
We have a blackberry bush that grows in the springtime. I was looking forward to picking this season but I realized my girls have been eating the blossoms and berries! Is there any humane way to keep them from eating the berries, or should I just leave them at it? Thanks for the help :)
Fence the berry bushes!

Mine eat the mulberries ... but there are plenty for them, us, and the neighbor. After the girls get their fill over a few days .... they won't TOUCH a mulberry until the next season!
Chickens must be fenced into our out of any areas you do or don't want them to be -- for protection of berries this would be a matter of fencing out. Put up a simple barrier between them that is high enough that your birds cannot fly up and over to get to the berries. Using bird netting over the top will keep other birds from also taking advantage of the berry feast.

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