Chickens being pesky

jesus freak

8 Years
Aug 20, 2011
My chickens keep getting in to my moms bark and taking dirt baths. As you might have guessed my mom is not to happy about this does anyone have any idea how to keep them out?
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Unless you put fencing around it, they're not going to stay out. Dirt baths are what chickens do.
It might help if you put a box with some DE (or something similar) mixed in with some dirt to put in their run, but if they free-range, their going to find dirt somewhere...
Its so normal for them to do it. It also helps with mites with they get older and it cools them off. I would fence it off or just let them be. Its probably not easy to train a chicken. LOL
I'd go with fencing too. We have vegetable patches that used to get dug up ALL the time: some wire mesh works well. Just make sure it's not low enough for them to fly over!
I put bird netting fences around my garden beds that I didn't want them in... I left access to their 'spa' under my lilac bush. They have just recently figured out how to get into one of the beds, after the fencing being there for over 4 months, so it should work for awhile at least. I'm thinking of trying some kind of netting, or maybe chicken wire, on the ground next year; just something to keep them from being able to dig, and that the plants can come up through. I don't use the bark mulch, though; as that would have to be on top of any netting on the ground, I'm sure they wouldn't leave it alone.
My chickens will not leave the mulch alone!!! Luckily, it's only around one small tree we are trying to grow.

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