Chicken's feathers picked down to the skin with blood


9 Years
Aug 20, 2010
Matilda is not happy that Cadbury started laying this week and is using "her" she's picking her (Cadbury's) feathers off. This morning I saw that she picked a spot so much that it's down to blood. It's not bleeding, but the area is all raw. What kind of stuff can I get at the feed store to treat it? Besides an apron, is there anything I can do to help Matilda stop the picking? I can't do an apron because I'll be gone for 11 days and I don't want it getting wet (because they come out in snow and rain) and have her get chilled. Help me help Cadbury. Thanks!

I have not had this problem, but I hear people use lots of stuff. Blue kote is a wound dressing that deters feather picking...would help the sore areas too

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