Hey everyone! I’ll try an catch you up on the issue. I raised 2 chicks that are now 6 months old and added them to my original flock of 5. Everything has been fine. One of the girls in my original flock never liked the new ones and she will bite and chase them but overall everyone was fine and the two younger had each other but now one of the younger ones is attacked the other young one. She will literally chase her around the yard to bite her. I feel so bad for her now cause she has no one and keeps trying to cuddle with her sister and keeps getting attacked. She won’t even let her roost next to her. In fact this one chicken won’t let anyone roost next to her. Does anyone else have this issue? Is this common? When they go to bed it’s always a disaster now with so much screaming and fighting going on and I’m having to rearrange them next to other chickens to stop fighting. Am I just being too sensitive to their chicken drama or is this not normal? I just want them all to be happy and healthy and it’s killing me to hear them scream when getting built. They have a nice large coop and they free range from morning to night in the yard so I don’t think boredom/too tight a space is the problem. Any ideas to help?