Chickens in flock, poop white and watery


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2018
It's been a while since I have posted, which is usually a good thing because it means nothing is wrong. Today, though, I noticed my chicken coop had white milky puddles of poop instead of droppings. There were some droppings, but enough puddles that multiple birds are doing it, and of multiple sizes. We have nine new birds from a friend of the family that we got on September 19th of this year that are only just starting to settle in with the rest of the flock. In total we have 24 chickens, all different ages, with our youngest birds at three and a half months and our oldest birds probably over six years old. I really love this flock, and I'm wondering what's going on.
I did some research on Marek's disease because I saw it on a thread post, and it has me worried. We have five birds that are three and a half months old, which are the only ones who are vaccinated against Marek's. One of them, Madeline, is a bantam and was not vaccinated. Madeline is one of the ones with watery poop.
If it was introduced, it would have been by the new birds. We took random birds from a much larger flock, but we also took their "Gimpy Flock," the birds with injuries that have healed but left them a little disabled. Belinda is missing all of her toes and has great difficulty walking, and either Samara or Roxanne has an unexplained limp. Ari is partially blind, with a cloudy blue eye. She is a Sultan hen, but the feathers on the very top of her head are gone and just replaced with perpetually budding feathers and small scabs. We thought this was because she got picked on in her previous flock, but could it be Marek's?

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