Chickens laying less eggs


Nov 24, 2019
North Texas
Hello all.

I have 7 hens and over the past 2 weeks I've been getting smaller and smaller and fewer and fewer eggs.

No predators that I know of. Any help would be appreciated.
There are several causes for smaller and fewer eggs. Typically, it’s a stress of some kind.

I would first do a thorough check for lice and mites.
If you’re able, send a fecal in for a check.

Have there been any additions to the flock?
Have there been any changes in environment, location, or bedding?
Have you changed feed or added different scraps?
Do they have plenty of space in the run and coop?
Have you noticed any feather loss?

How old are these hens?
Free range or enclosed run?
Complete layer feed?
the past 2 weeks I've been getting smaller and smaller and fewer and fewer eggs.
How's the weather in Texas? Is it hot? Do you crave one of these in the afternoon? 🍦 🍹 🍶 🍺
I notice a drop in production during the heat of summer. Usually when temps rise to the mid 80s for the high.
First make sure the coops are shaded with plenty of ventilation.
I've put a fan in the coop during a heatwave.

Second provide cold water for drinking.
Third keep a jug of cold water in the fridge. Use to make a wet mash with their Crumbles, Mash or Pellet feed and serve immediately, early afternoon.
I serve during the dog days of summer between 1 and 1:30 pm. 20190826_132741_resized.jpg . They love it.
The first summer I tried it, egg production came back up within a week.
It takes a lot of nutrition to produce eggs and if they don't get enough because of decreased feed consumption, well that just slows production at best.

I cut the treats in half. Only one Tablespoon of Scratch Grains per hen daily, around mid-morning. GC
Heat, water often diverted, right thru the bird for cooling instead of for making eggs.

Deep all day shade is best but....

I give a dose of Sav-a-Chick electrolytes/vitamins about once a week during heat waves.
It really seems to help....started this after they saved a heat stroked hen once.
Can mix up a smaller amount, just wrap the packet tight and store in a dry cool place.
Always have plain water available too.

BIG(9x14x2") chunks of ice last all day for wading, sitting, and sipping.
Much more useful to the chickens than frozen foods and treats.

Make space in your freezer!
Hey guys! My husband and I finally had a day with out our baby and we spent it on the coop.

We cleaned it out, hung a fly strip, lowered the feeders a couple of inches, built brand new roosts, moved their fence line over to incorporate more shade and moved another structure for additional shade.

In this process we found a secret nest with 4 eggs in it, so it doesn't account for the major loss in eggs.

They don't seem to want the roosts, we've had to put them on the roosts each night. They all want to cram on top of one nestting box.

A few days ago, the neighbors pit puppy, approx 4-6 months, had one of my girls and was roughing her up. My anger about this situation is a whole different story! But I recognize this could be another potential issue.

All in all, we did a ton of work, but only got 1 egg from them yesterday!
I made the roosts taller than the nesting boxes. I think my rooster is a big baby and he's afraid of them so he piles everyone on the nesting box.

I will take pics asap, trying to get my baby down for a nap first.

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