Chickens not laying


Nov 13, 2018
I live in MN and I have 4 chickens and about 2 months ago 3 of my chickens stopped laying eggs. Now today they all stopped laying. I don’t know what’s wrong with them? I have them close to the house being it’s winter time. They have a heat light in there nesting box area. I changed there food gradually for higher protein, they get corn and dried worms every day. What can I do or what needs to be done to help them?
Feather loss. You’ll see feather loss. Some molt more severe than other. It begins late fall to early winter. With some of them I don’t notice significant feather loss just finding extra feathers in the coop but some of them molt so severe they look half naked. I’ve had some of mine go over a month with no eggs due to molting and shortened days and some do stop.. just lay a lot less
It was just a thought
Do you notice anything off since they stopped laying? Any symptoms of anything else going on?
Feather loss. You’ll see feather loss. Some molt more severe than other. It begins late fall to early winter. With some of them I don’t notice significant feather loss just finding extra feathers in the coop but some of them molt so severe they look half naked. I’ve had some of mine go over a month with no eggs due to molting and shortened days and some do stop.. just lay a lot less
It was just a thought
Do you notice anything off since they stopped laying? Any symptoms of anything else going on?
I don’t notice anything else. I have seen lots of feathers in there pen though. They all seem to have there feathers now.
Some of my chickens look fully feathered while molting. I just find extra feathers in the coop and then some just look plain pitiful where they look half naked and looks like there was s pillow fight in the coop. Lol. How short have you days gotten? And temps. Sorry so many questions. Just trying to figure out if it’s shorter days and molt or something more

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