Chickens Stopped Laying


Sep 4, 2021
Upstate, NY
Hi everyone.

I have a 3.5 year old Barred Rock and 7 1 year old RIRs. All of them have stopped laying. The RIRs were in the middle of a molt, so I assumed that would normal while they grew new feather. Plus I live in upstate NY so it has been cold. However, it was my understanding that both Barred Rocks and RIR will lay all year regardless. I do not know why my Barred Rock is not laying. The RIRs are pretty much done molting for the most part, so I thought they would start up again, but have not.

Should I be concerned?
it was my understanding that both Barred Rocks and RIR will lay all year regardless.
I wouldn't be concerned.

You say they are about done with molting. About done isn't finished and chickens are not machines.

As they finish up molting, hormones become balanced and daylight hours lengthen, they should come back into lay.

A 3.5yr old BR is probably taking a winter break as well. You'll likely seem her start up as the days get a bit longer.

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